2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 13000 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 13000 Floating Side entry Soft seat insert Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Anti blow out stem Welded or threaded body Antistatic device Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 19000 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 19000 Trunnion mounted Side entry Soft seat insert Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Single piston effect (DBB & Self-relieving seat) Anti blow out stem Antistatic device Drain and vent connections Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 19001 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 19001 Trunnion mounted Side entry Metal seat Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Single piston effect (DBB & Self-relieving seat) Anti blow out stem Drain and vent connections Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 19002 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 19002 Trunnion mounted Side entry Soft seat insert Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Thermic extension Anti blow out stem Antistatic device Drain and vent connections Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 19005 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 19005 Trunnion mounted Side entry Metal seat Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Single piston effect – DBB & Self-relieving seat Thermic extension Stem with double packing and live loaded system Design according to fugitive emission Anti blow out stem Drain and vent connections Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 24000 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 24000 Floating Side entry Soft seat Full and Reduced Bore L-Port or T-Port Anti blow out stem Antistatic device Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 28000 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 28000 Floating Side entry Soft seat Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional DBB – Double Block & Bleed Anti blow out stem Antistatic device Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 28001 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 28001 Floating Side entry Metal seat Full and Reduced Bore Unidirectional DBB – Double Block & Bleed Anti blow out stem Antistatic device Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 29000 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 29000 Trunnion mounted Side entry Soft seat insert Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Single piston effect – DBB & Self-relieving seat Antistatic device Drain and vent connections Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 29001 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 29001 Trunnion mounted Side entry Metal seat Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Single piston effect – DBB & Self-relieving seat> Anti blow out stem Drain and vent connections Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 32000 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 32000 Floating Side entry Soft seat Full and Reduced Bore Bidirectional Anti blow out stem Antistatic device Fire safe design Zero leak Ενέργεια
2 Οδών Ibor Valves - Σφαιρικός κρουνός - 32001 Ibor Valves - Ball Valve - 32001 Floating Side entry Metal seat Full and Reduced Bore Unidirectional Anti blow out stem Zero leak Ενέργεια